Aakar Asha, a unit of the N. Swain Memorial Trust, is a leading not-for-profit multi speciality hospital offering free of cost reconstructive and plastic surgery in Hyderabad.
Our highly experienced team of doctors, surgeons and staff are dedicated to transforming lives for the physically disabled in India through affordable, appropriate surgery and rehabilitation. We realize our commitment to care through emphasis on innovative techniques, grounded in sound medical research, and diligent adherence to established best practices. Sponsorship by generous donors allows us to treat any deserving patient, regardless of their ability to pay
Apart from successfully treating complex birth defects, debilitating burns, and traumatic injuries on a regular basis, we perform plastic surgeries that is informed by the latest advances in the field, and which is culturally sensitive, minimally invasive and free from gimmickry. Whatever your concern, we promise to turn into reality your hope (Asha) for the form (Aakar) that will gift you freedom and ability.
We are a team of reputed doctors, surgeons, researchers, distinguished administrators and corporate leaders committed to transforming lives. United by our understanding of the immediacy and enormity of the problem of physical disability in India, and we are firmly dedicated to its eradication. Collectively, our experience spans the breadth of the medical, social and administrative infrastructure in India. We have treated patients from diverse backgrounds in premier hospitals. We have witnessed the discrimination endured by the differently abled in the law enforcement and social sectors, and evaluated the gaps in existing efforts to help them. Over the years, we have transformed the lives of many through successful community outreach programs and large¬scale plastic surgery camps. The Aakar Asha Center for Enablement was born out of our desire to expand the scale of our efforts, and from the urgent need for a dedicated center of excellence for plastic surgery in India.
Disability can push people into poverty, and poverty can cause and exacerbate disability. Government assistance in the form of disability pensions, soft loans, and housing and education support often does not reach those who need it the most. We believe social programs are inadequate and ineffective palliative where it is actually the medical attention that is called for. Most of our patients are young, and often with just simple surgical interventions, can look forward to independent and productive lives. Our fervent desire is to see our patients live with dignity and to enable them to dream just like everyone else.
We organize camps, in especially vulnerable areas in and around Hyderabad city, often with the help of non-profit and governmental organizations like the Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP), where we identify the patients eligible for reconstructive surgery. Alternatively, our patients may approach us directly. Upon selection and registration at Aakar Asha Hospital, they pay a token 1 rupee, symbolic of their dignity, gratitude and commitment to realize better lives for themselves.
We provide free of cost plastic and reconstructive surgery for people affected with physical disability. Generous donation by our donors helps us to meet the cost of the materials for the surgery, the treatment and rehabilitation cost is borne by Aakar Asha.
We always welcome contributions in the form of time, effort, kind and monetary. Be a part of transforming lives, volunteer. We appreciate your time & effort and thank you for your support.
We offer internship programs at Aakar Asha Hospital for Clinical, Management and Social. Apart from learning, you will have stories which you can share with your peers.